optimal viewing.
POWtv is a virtual viewing station created by POW Film Fest for discovering stories told by women and non-binary filmmakers to provide an alternative to the played-out motto: Netflix and Chill.

Creative Direction: Nora Colie | Art Direction & Design: India Myers
Trailer: Lucky Day | Trailer Music: Alex Lilly | Motion Graphic: Stefan Harder 
POWtv launched in July 2020 in response to the sanctioned quarantines around the world due to COVID-19. The collection curated 31 films and shorts screened over the last two years of the POW Film Fest showcasing work that features women and non-binary filmmakers from across the world, including the United States, Great Britain, Turkey, Sweden, New Zealand, Italy, Israel, Greece, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia and Argentina.
I was brought on to create a logo and illustration for the launch artwork. I explored multiple logo options before we landed on the perfect one that was bold and evocative while still having a soft, rounded form; echoing the organic shapes within the illustration. I developed an illustration style reminiscent of art deco. The illustration mirrors itself to frame the POWtv logo and the technicolor palette used within the artwork adds a vibrant modern twist.
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